We offer both manual handling risk assessments and training.
Manual handling risk assessments
It is a legal requirement for people who employ carers to complete a risk assessment if those carers are involved with manual handling.
At Design for Independence we are very experienced at completing these assessments, and will identify and minimize all the risks involved in manual handling activities. We will also ensure consistency between different carers.
During the risk assessment process we work closely with both formal and informal carers to understand the stresses and demands of each specific care environment.
We also liaise with any professionals (i.e. physiotherapists, doctors) to identify the aims of their interventions with the client; this ensures the manual handling plan works will with the client’s rehabilitation potential.
As part of our assessment we review all equipment and techniques used for manual handling, and make recommendations on how to mitigate risks.
Manual handling training
As occupational therapists we see manual handling from a different perspective. Following years of working for Adult Social Care we know the quality of life a good handler can offer to their client/ family member.
Most informal carers would not think twice before helping their loved ones off their chair, in and out of the bath or changing their position in bed. No one wants to be hoisted or to have to ask for support when getting off their chair. Some formal carers working for a busy home care agency might consider poor methods in order to save time. However poor manual handling techniques could lead to injuries and pressure sores.
We can teach your carers the recommended techniques to ensure their safety. We can show and practice with them to ensure they are both efficient and caring at the same time.
Our training is always in the client’s home and is delivered either in small groups or on a one-to-one basis. This ensures all carers have sufficient time to practice and become efficient in their news skills. We provide courses for both people completely new to manual handling, and also refresher courses for experienced handlers.
We are IOSH certified People Handling Train the Trainer level.
If your case is urgent – as a result of sudden deterioration in medical condition or following a hospital discharge – we will visit you within 48 hours from your referral.
We want you to be able to care for others for as long as required. This can only happen by making sure you don’t injure yourself or others.