Design for Independence specialises in empowering individuals to function in, and have control over, their environment.
Our unique approach allows us to interpret complex medical and care needs into appropriate layouts and use of space. By working with us you can be sure that your client receives the support they need to live as independently as possible.
At Design for Independence we never forget that a home is a home – we strive to create homes that clients can be proud of, not a clinical environment.
Our occupational therapy team has up-to-date knowledge of the latest equipment, furniture and fittings for assistive living, including assistive technology. We can save clients substantial amounts of money by ensuring they purchase only the equipment they need. Additionally, we can help you access free of charge provision from the local authority.
We work with whole properties or individual rooms and can manage small internal projects. This includes liaising with contract administrators and local authorities on your behalf.
We can recommend builders, architects and other relevant construction professionals, such as project managers and contract administrators. This ensures you work with the right people, and that the project can keep moving forward. We work in partnership with all members of the team until the satisfactory completion of the project.
Why use a Housing Occupational Therapy Specialist?
Architects are usually aware of the requirements around improving access for wheelchair users. However, they have not been trained to interpret complex medical conditions into an architectural design.
As Housing Occupational Therapist specialists we design layouts that work for clients and their carers. We are skilled at supporting people with cognitive, visual, and emotional impairments, as well as those with mobility problems.
We regularly work with architects and surveyors to help them ensure their plans meet clients’ care and rehabilitation needs.
By working with a housing OT you will be able to reduce the time spent on design, minimise potential design errors and best support your client’s current and future needs.